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Electric Power Pole Inspections

Use high definition cameras for aerial inspections with thermal imagery of electric poles and power lines.

Utility companies are able to save and get data faster and more safely through the use of drone technology. Routine surveying can be done without the need for expensive helicopters, and limit the need for dangerous manual inspections to identify potential hazards.

A drone can quickly be deployed, providing High Definition and high-resolution imagery viewable In the field or in the office. Layering on thermal imagery provides Utility companies with additional data on performance and potential issues, allowing operators to detect the potential damage before it happens.

Inspect difficult to reach poles and towers with a drone – call Mile High Drones today!

Damage Assessment
Routine surveying is highly encouraged in areas like Colorado. With drones, it’s much easier, faster and more affordable.
Improved Safety
Our aerial inspections pinpoint issues reducing the risk associated with manual inspections of compliant poles and towers.
Efficiency & Speed
Aerial inspections increase the turn-around time of traditional methods that are encumbered by terrain, deployment costs, and limited perspectives.
Location Accuracy
GPS enabled drones provide vital updates for asset locations that have incorrect or outdated GIS data.

Sample Deliverables

Here are some examples from past projects. The end deliverable for most projects is a consolidated report with summarized findings and recommendations.

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Our Services

Clear Filters
3D Modeling Services
Data Analysis Services
Damage Assessment
Right of Way Inspections
Inventory Analysis
Electric Power Transmission Inspections
Electric Power Distribution Inspections
Electric Power Substation Inspections
Wildfire Mitigation & Prevention

From Our Blog

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